Pigeons/Squabs from The Wise Encyclopedia
Young pigeons or squabs have light, red flesh upon the breast, and full, fresh-colored and moist legs. When the legs are thin and the breast very dark, the bird is old. The only difference between pigeons and squabs is that squabs are never more than four weeks old. At that age the flesh is milky and delicate, but once they have learned to leave the nest and have begun to walk or fly about a little, they lose the special squab characteristics, become lean, and are then pigeons.When purchasing squabs, look for plumpness and light flesh. See that there are no bruises. Squabs are on the market all year. The average weight per squab is one pound, while pigeons sometimes reach one and a half, even one and three-quarters pounds, and are less tender than squabs.
Both pigeons and squabs may be broiled, roasted, served en casserole or potted.
From The Wise Encyclopedia of Cookery, 1971.