

We usually add rattlesnake to chili. Treat rattlesnake as you would any quick-cooking white meat (i.e., chicken, shellfish). Of course, everyone will tell you it "tastes just like chicken". It is also very good deep fried in a simple "breading." You might try looking for fried alligator recipes too and adapt them for use with your snake. If your rattler is still alive or in one piece, the following directions for dressing rattlesnakes might be helpful:
1. Place dead rattlesnake on a cutting board and hold firmly behind the head.
2. Cut off head and rattles and discard.
3. Strip of skin and discard or save (for a hat band maybe?)
4. Make along slice along the underside and remove all internal organs.
5. Cut into chunks and refrigerate or freeze until ready to use.

From: L Hodge in rec.food.cooking on July 28, 1998.
recipe picture
Fossil Farms