Option Explicit _____________________________________________________________________________________ Function PaleoFoodPath() As String PaleoFoodPath = ReturnTopPath & "\paleofood.com" If Not FileExists(PaleoFoodPath) Then MsgBox "Cannot proceed. The website folder was not found:" & vbLf & PaleoFoodPath, vbCritical, "Aborted!" End End If End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub BuildPaleoSitemap() ' is button on Dashboard sheet CreateSiteMapFromOtherSheet PaleoFoodPath End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub EditChapters() ' is button on Dashboard sheet ' Columns: 0-recipe name, 1-credit ExcelEditor PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\Chapters.txt", Array(8.86, 40, 40, 20, 11.43, 50), Array("Chapter", " tags", "Nav Title", "Topic", "Short Name", "Description") AddSaveExitButtons 350, "SaveChapters", , "B" Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub SaveChapters() ' run from button on temp sheet RemoveBlankRows SaveAsPipeFile PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\Chapters.txt", 2, 1, Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row, 6 ExitDelimTable True End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub EditGroups() ' Columns: 0-recipe name, 1-credit ExcelEditor PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\Groups.txt", Array(20, 20), Array("Chapter-Group", "Description") AddSaveExitButtons 250, "SaveGroups" Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub SaveGroups() RemoveBlankRows SaveAsPipeFile PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\Groups.txt", 2, 1, Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row, 2 ExitDelimTable True End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub EditSectionsInfo() ' Columns: 0-chapter-section code, 1-section title, 2-wiki link 1, 3-wiki link 2, 4-icon name, 5-icon alt, 6-icon title ' 7-icon name, 8-icon alt, 9-icon title, 10-cross reference ExcelEditor PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\Sections-Info.txt", Array(25, 30.43, 30, 20, 20, 20), Array("Chap-Sec Code", "Section", "Wiki Link 1", "Wiki Link 2", "Icon Name 1", "Icon Name 2") AddSaveExitButtons 185, "SaveSectionsInfo" Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub SaveSectionsInfo() RemoveBlankRows SaveAsPipeFile PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\Sections-Info.txt", 2, 1, Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row, 6 ExitDelimTable True End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub EditTableConts() ' Columns: 0-chapter, 1-major group, 2-section, 3-recipe name ExcelEditor PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\TableOfContents.txt", Array(8.86, 7, 18.57, 15.57, 81.57), Array("Chapter", "Group", "Section", "/ULs + toc's", "Recipe Name") Columns("D").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft AddSaveExitButtons 360, "SaveTableConts" Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub SaveTableConts() RemoveBlankRows SaveAsPipeFile PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\TableOfContents.txt", 2, 1, Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row, 5 ExitDelimTable True End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub EditThumbnailData() ExcelEditor PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\ThumbnailData.txt", Array(8, 12, 35, 60, 27, 19.57), Array("Chapter", "Section", "Thumbnail Name", "Web link", "Recipe Title", "Blog/Site") AddSaveExitButtons 375, "SaveThumbnailData", , "D" Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub SaveThumbnailData() RemoveBlankRows SaveAsPipeFile PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\ThumbnailData.txt", 2, 1, Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row, 6 ExitDelimTable True End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub EditPhotoCredits() ExcelEditor PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\PhotoCredits.txt", Array(31.86, 76.43), Array("Chapter - Recipe Name", "Credit") AddSaveExitButtons 350, "SavePhotoCredits" AddSortButtons 110, "SortCreditsA", 230, "SortCreditsB" Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub SavePhotoCredits() RemoveBlankRows SaveAsPipeFile PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\PhotoCredits.txt", 2, 1, Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row, 2 ExitDelimTable True End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub SortCreditsA() Columns("A:B").Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub SortCreditsB() Columns("A:B").Sort Key1:=Range("B2"), Key2:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub ReduceRecipeName() ' button on Dashboard sheet ' turns recipe code into something usable for a file name (which should only be lowercase alphabetic, but dashes ok) ' then puts into Clipboard and clears from input cell Dim i As Integer Dim R As String, S As String, t As String RestoreInputCells "fileify" S = LCase(Range("fileify").Value) S = Replace(S, " and ", "") S = Replace(S, " stuffed ", "") S = Replace(S, " with ", "") S = Replace(S, " or ", "") For i = 1 To Len(S) t = Mid(S, i, 1) If 0 < InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", t) Then R = R & t End If Next i Range("fileify").Value = Replace(R, "recipe", "") CopyToClipboard Range("fileify").Value Range("fileify").ClearContents End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub CheckForOpenAmpsInRecipes() Dim j As Integer Dim D As String, res As String, t As String Dim Bad As Variant D = RemoveHTML(ReadInFile(PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\RecipeData.txt")) Bad = Without(AllInStr(D, "&"), AllInStr(D, "&")) If Not IsEmpty(Bad) Then For j = 0 To UBound(Bad) t = Left(DropStr(D, Bad(j)), 7) If 0 = InStr(t, ";") Then res = "&" & t & vbLf End If Next j If res = "" Then GoTo Good MsgBox "Open found:" & vbLf & vbLf & res, vbInformation, "Should Fix" Else Good: MsgBox "All Good.", vbExclamation, "All Okay" End If End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub CheckPhotoCredits(Optional PhotoCredits As Variant) ' is button on Dashboard, also call by Process PaleoFood Dim i As Integer Dim res As String If IsMissing(PhotoCredits) Then PhotoCredits = ReadInDelimData(PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\PhotoCredits.txt", "|") End If For i = 0 To UBound(PhotoCredits) If Not FileExists(PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\" & PhotoCredits(i, 0)) Then res = res & "" End If Next i If res <> "" Then MsgBox "The following photo credits did not have pictures:" & res, vbExclamation, "Check for problems" End If End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Function WikiLink(ByVal WLink As String) As String ' turns WikiPedia link into code string If WLink = "" Then Exit Function Dim H As String H = "  <a href=""" & WLink & """ title=""Click to read Wikipedia article on " H = H & Replace(ExtractFilename(WLink), "_", " ") WikiLink = H & """><img src=""wikipedia.ico"" alt=""Wikipedia favicon""></a>" End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Function IconCode(ByRef TOCiconCode As Variant, ByVal Icode As String) As String ' turns icon image name into code string ' needs the code table passed to it/ If Icode = "" Then Exit Function IconCode = ReturnMatrixCell(TOCiconCode, Icode, 0, 1) End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Function AddPicCredits(ByRef TableConts As Variant, PhotoCredits As Variant, i As Integer, PicLevel As Integer, PicStr As String) As Variant ' sub-function to ProcessPaleoFood ' reads, modifies and returns TableConts ' 6-piclevel, 7-picname, 8-picstr, 9-piccredit, 10-picalt, 11-width large pic, 12-height large pic Dim f As String Dim res As Variant TableConts(i, 6) = PicLevel TableConts(i, 7) = RemoveExtension(PicStr) TableConts(i, 8) = PicStr TableConts(i, 9) = ReturnMatrixCell(PhotoCredits, TableConts(i, 7), 0, 1) If PicLevel = 1 Then TableConts(i, 10) = "recipe picture" ElseIf PicLevel = 2 Then TableConts(i, 10) = "book cover image" ElseIf PicLevel = 3 Then TableConts(i, 10) = "section picture" ElseIf PicLevel = 4 Then TableConts(i, 10) = "chapter picture" End If ' test if large picture exists and get its size If Right(PicStr, 3) = "jpg" Then f = PaleoFoodPath & "\pictures\" & TableConts(i, 7) & "-f.jpg" If FileExists(f) Then res = GetImageSize(f) TableConts(i, 11) = res(0) TableConts(i, 12) = res(1) End If End If AddPicCredits = TableConts End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub ProcessPaleoFood() ' is button on Dashboard sheet ' processes all needed for web public Dim NewFlag As Boolean, NotRecFlag As Boolean, RunSiteMap As Boolean Dim Ctr As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, NotRecCount As Integer Dim AmznTag As String, D As String, f As String, H As String, LastGrp As String Dim LastSec As String, Link1 As String, Link2 As String Dim PFDataPath As String, PicPath As String, RecipeDataStr As String, RecName As String Dim RecPath As String, res As String, ShortName As String, t As String Dim NextFN As String, NextFT As String, PrevFN As String, PrevFT As String Dim AdUsage, AllThumbCode, AllTOC, AmzAds, Belows, Chapters, ChapTOC, DateAdded, DelStrings As Variant Dim GroupTitles, HTOC, NoISBNs, PhotoCredits As Variant Dim Recipes, RecNames, RPP, Sections, SecCodes, SecTemp, strts, SubHeads, TableConts As Variant Dim TablDashNames, temp, ThumbData, ThumbTemp, TOCiconCode, TOCtemp As Variant AmznTag = "paleofoodcom-20" PFDataPath = PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building" PicPath = PaleoFoodPath & "\pictures\" RecPath = PaleoFoodPath & "\recipes\" DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Getting data..." ' get chapter data: ' 0- filename (without file extension) ' 1- chapter <title> tags ' 2- nav titles ' 3- topic ' 4- short name ' 5- description Chapters = ReadInDelimData(PFDataPath & "\Chapters.txt", "|") ' recipes per page/chapter ReDim RPP(UBound(Chapters)) ' get section data: ' 0- chap-sec code ' 1- section title ' 2- Wiki link 1 ' 3- Wiki link 2 ' 4- icon name 1 ' 5- icon name 2 Sections = ReadInDelimData(PFDataPath & "\Sections-info.txt", "|") SecCodes = ReturnColumn(Sections, 0) ' check for duplicate section tags If UBound(SecCodes) <> UBound(RemDupSameOrder(SecCodes)) Then MsgBox "You have duplicate sections codes:" & vbLf & ReturnDups(SecCodes, True), vbCritical, "Aborted" GoTo EndCode End If ' we have a table of the recipe/section icons TOCiconCode = ReadInDelimData(PFDataPath & "\TOCIconCode.txt", "|") ' check that Photo Credits have a picture. only a warning PhotoCredits = ReadInDelimData(PFDataPath & "\PhotoCredits.txt", "|") CheckPhotoCredits PhotoCredits ' get thumbnail data ' 0- chapter ' 1- section ' 3- thumbnail name ' 4- web link ' 5- recipe title ' 6- blog/site name ThumbData = ReadInDelimData(PFDataPath & "\ThumbnailData.txt", "|") ' chapter sub-titles SubHeads = ExtractData(PFDataPath & "\ChapSubTitles.txt", "*", 1) ' group titles. columns: 0- chapter-group, 1- title GroupTitles = ReadInDelimData(PFDataPath & "\Groups.txt", "|") ' the section BELOW the table of contents Belows = ExtractData(PFDataPath & "\BelowTables.txt", "*", 1) ' Amazon ads have a page/chapter index + the data file AdUsage = ReadInDelimData(PFDataPath & "\AdUsage.txt", ",") AmzAds = ExtractData(PFDataPath & "\AmazonAds.txt", "*", 1) temp = ReturnColumn(AmzAds, 0) If UBound(temp) <> UBound(RemDupSameOrder(temp)) Then MsgBox "The AmazonAds.txt file has duplicates: " & ReturnDups(temp, True), vbCritical, "Aborted" GoTo EndCode End If ' recipe names and data Application.StatusBar = "Retrieving Recipes..." f = PFDataPath & "\RecipeData.txt" RecNames = ExtractDataNames(f, , "~~~") If UBound(RecNames) <> UBound(RemDupSameOrder(RecNames)) Then MsgBox "The RecipeData.txt file has duplicate recipe names: " & ReturnDups(RecNames, True), vbCritical, "Aborted" GoTo EndCode End If Recipes = ExtractData(f, "", 1, "~~~") ' get list of sections and edit for same name for section and recipe. they would clash in picture naming temp = RemoveEmptiesInVector(Iota2V(RecNames, ReturnColumn(Sections, 0))) If Not IsEmpty(temp) Then MsgBox "Section and Recipe name clash:" & vbLf & Ravel(temp, vbLf), vbCritical, "Aborted" GoTo EndCode End If ' get table of contents: 0-chapter, 1-group, 2-section, 3-/ULs + toc-'s, 4-recipe name, add: 5-recipe title Application.StatusBar = "Retrieving Table of Contents..." TableConts = ReadInDelimData(PFDataPath & "\TableOfContents.txt", "|") ' remove non recipe entries ReDim TablDashNames(UBound(TableConts)) For i = 0 To UBound(TableConts) If 0 = InStr(TableConts(i, 4), " ") Then TablDashNames(i) = TableConts(i, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i, 4) End If Next i TablDashNames = RemoveEmptiesInVector(TablDashNames) If UBound(TablDashNames) <> UBound(RemDupSameOrder(TablDashNames)) Then MsgBox "The Table of Contents file has duplicate names: " & ReturnDups(TablDashNames, True), vbCritical, "Aborted" GoTo EndCode End If ' ~~~~ a bunch of data matching edits ~~~~ DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Checking source data..." res = "" If UBound(RecNames) <> UBound(TablDashNames) Then res = res & "Number of recipes in the Table of Contents (" & (UBound(TablDashNames) + 1) & ") does not match Recipes (" & (UBound(RecNames) + 1) & ")." & vbLf End If For i = 0 To UBound(RecNames) If Not IsMember(TablDashNames, RecNames(i)) Then res = res & RecNames(i) & " in Recipes is not in the Table of Contents." & vbLf End If Next i For i = 0 To UBound(TablDashNames) If Not IsMember(RecNames, TablDashNames(i)) Then res = res & TablDashNames(i) & " in Table of Contents is not in Recipes." & vbLf End If Next i If res <> "" Then CopyToClipboard res MsgBox "Errors found:" & vbLf & vbLf & res & vbLf & vbLf & "The errors have been copied to the Clipboard. Paste someplace.", vbCritical, "Aborted" GoTo EndCode End If ' ~~~~ see if recipe is new, and not in DateAdded.txt ~~~~ f = PFDataPath & "\DateAdded.txt" D = ReadInFile(f) temp = ReturnColumn(ReadInDelimData(f, "|"), 0) For i = 0 To UBound(RecNames) If Not IsMember(temp, RecNames(i)) Then D = D & RecNames(i) & "|" & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") & vbCrLf RunSiteMap = True End If Next i SaveIfChanged f, D ' we need the list to see if recipe is recent DateAdded = ReadInDelimData(f, "|") ' ~~~ put Recipes in TOC sort and save DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Sorting Recipes..." Recipes = IndexIntoVector(Recipes, Iota2V(RecNames, TablDashNames)) RecNames = TablDashNames H = "" For i = 0 To UBound(Recipes) H = H & "~~~ " & TablDashNames(i) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Recipes(i) & vbCrLf Next i SaveIfChanged PFDataPath & "\RecipeData.txt", H ' ~~~ add recipe names to our table of contents TableConts = AddColumns(TableConts, 1) For i = 0 To UBound(TableConts) If TableConts(i, 4) <> "" And InStr(TableConts(i, 4), " ") = 0 Then j = Iota2(RecNames, TableConts(i, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i, 4)) H = Recipes(j) TableConts(i, 5) = Left(H, InStr(H, vbCrLf) - 1) ' put recipe back into array w/o title (simply drops first 2 lines) and html adapted H = DropStr(H, InStr(H, vbCrLf) + 1) H = DropStr(H, InStr(H, vbCrLf) + 1) Recipes(j) = TextToHtml(H) End If Next i ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ build Table of Contents for each chapter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Creating Tables of Contents..." ' we build two: chapter pages, and all on one page ReDim HTOC(UBound(Chapters)) ReDim AllTOC(UBound(Chapters)) temp = Empty For k = 0 To UBound(Chapters) TOCtemp = CompressRows(TableConts, Chapters(k, 0)) Ctr = 1 TOCStart: LastGrp = "" LastSec = "" H = "" If Ctr = 1 Then ' we need table at the top, when many major groups in the chapter. see count test in code If TOCtemp(0, 1) <> "" Then temp = RemDupSameOrder(ReturnColumn(TOCtemp, 1)) If UBound(temp) > 4 Then H = H & "<p>" & vbCrLf H = H & "<div><span class=""bigger""><strong>Jump to:</strong></span>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf For j = 0 To UBound(temp) t = ReturnMatrixCell(GroupTitles, Chapters(k, 0) & "-" & temp(j), 0, 1) H = H & "  • <a href=""#toc-" & temp(j) & """ title=""Jump to section"">" & t & "</a>" & vbCrLf Next j H = H & "</div>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf End If End If Else ' this is the chapter breaks when we are collecting for all on a page H = H & "<div id=""" & Chapters(k, 0) & """><div class=""band"">" & Chapters(k, 2) & "</div></div>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf End If ' when no groups the entire page is an unordered list If TOCtemp(0, 1) = "" Then H = H & "<ul>" & vbCrLf End If ' ~~ loop for data rows in chapter data DelStrings = Empty For i = 0 To UBound(TOCtemp) ' do we have a group start? If LastGrp <> TOCtemp(i, 1) And TOCtemp(i, 1) <> "" Then LastGrp = TOCtemp(i, 1) ' title t = ReturnMatrixCell(GroupTitles, Chapters(k, 0) & "-" & TOCtemp(i, 1), 0, 1) If t <> "" Then H = H & "<div class=""subhead""" If Left(TOCtemp(i, 3), 1) = "G" Then H = H & " id=""" & DropStr(TOCtemp(i, 3), 2) & """" End If H = H & ">—  " & t & "  —</div>" & vbCrLf End If ' open unordered list for recipes H = H & vbCrLf & "<ul>" & vbCrLf End If ' ~~~ do we have a section start? If LastSec <> TOCtemp(i, 2) And TOCtemp(i, 2) <> "" Then LastSec = TOCtemp(i, 2) ' get row of section's info: ' 0- chap-sec code, 1- section title, 2- Wiki link 1, 3- Wiki link 2, 4-icon name 1, 5-icon name 2 SecTemp = CompressRows(Sections, TOCtemp(i, 0) & "-" & TOCtemp(i, 2)) ' build section heading H = H & "<li class=""secstart""" If Left(TOCtemp(i, 3), 1) = "S" Then H = H & " id=""" & DropStr(TOCtemp(i, 3), 2) & """" End If H = H & ">" ' we save these links so we can remove them later for the all table of contents on one page Link1 = "<a href=""#" & TOCtemp(i, 2) & """><span class=""bigger"">" & SecTemp(0, 1) & "</span></a>" DelStrings = AppendVectors(DelStrings, Link1) H = H & Link1 ' various icons that some have H = H & WikiLink(SecTemp(0, 2)) & WikiLink(SecTemp(0, 3)) & IconCode(TOCiconCode, SecTemp(0, 4)) & IconCode(TOCiconCode, SecTemp(0, 5)) ' start unordered list for this section H = H & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "<ul class=""columns"">" & vbCrLf End If ' recipe entry or cross-ref in this section If 0 = InStr(TOCtemp(i, 4), " ") Then H = H & "<li" If Left(TOCtemp(i, 3), 1) = "R" Then H = H & " id=""" & DropStr(TOCtemp(i, 3), 2) & """" End If H = H & "><a href=" f = Chapters(k, 0) & "-" & TOCtemp(i, 4) If Ctr = 1 Then H = H & """#" & TOCtemp(i, 4) Else H = H & """recipes/" & f & ".htm" End If H = H & """>" & TOCtemp(i, 5) & "</a>" ' check if the recipe is new If Now < 90 + CDate(ConvertDate(ReturnMatrixCell(DateAdded, f, 0, 1))) Then H = H & " <img src=""new.gif"" alt=""new icon"">" End If H = H & vbCrLf Else H = H & "<li" If TOCtemp(i, 2) = "" Then H = H & " class=""secstart""" End If H = H & "><span class=""bigger"">" & TOCtemp(i, 4) & "</span>" & vbCrLf End If ' we have to close off the unordered lists H = H & ReturnSlashULs(TOCtemp(i, 3)) NextRow: Next i ' save: HTOC is for chapter pages If Ctr = 1 Then HTOC(k) = H Ctr = 2 GoTo TOCStart Else ' AllTOC is for all tables of contents on one page ' remove the links we don't want For i = UBound(DelStrings) To 0 Step -1 strts = AllInStr(DelStrings(i), "<") H = Replace(H, DelStrings(i), Mid(DelStrings(i), strts(1), strts(3) - strts(1))) Next i AllTOC(k) = H End If Next k ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ all chapter table of contents on one page, link to individual pages (Ctr=2 above) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Building tables of contents on one page..." H = "<div class=""title"">PaleoFood: Table of Contents on One Page (" & (UBound(Recipes) + 1) & " Entries)</div>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "<hr>" & vbCrLf & "</div>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "<div class=""navbar"">" & vbCrLf H = H & "<div><div class=""bigbold"" id=""top"">Page Contents:</div></div>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "<div class=""right"">" & vbCrLf H = H & ReturnSearchString("paleofood.com/recipes") H = H & "</div>" & vbCrLf & "</div>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "<ul class=""columns"">" & vbCrLf LastGrp = "" For i = 0 To UBound(Chapters) ' only topics and chapters not in a topic are included If LastGrp <> Chapters(i, 3) Or Chapters(i, 3) = "" Then H = H & "<li><a href=""#" & Chapters(i, 0) & """ title=""Jump to section"">" If Chapters(i, 3) = "" Then j = 2 Else j = 3 End If H = H & Chapters(i, j) & "</a>" & vbCrLf End If LastGrp = Chapters(i, 3) Next i H = H & "</ul>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf InsertIntoHtm PaleoFoodPath & "\recipes.htm", H & Ravel(AllTOC, vbCrLf) ' ~~~~~~ remove non-recipe entries (the cross-references) ~~~~~~ For i = 0 To UBound(TableConts) If InStr(TableConts(i, 4), " ") <> 0 Then TableConts(i, 4) = "" End If Next i TableConts = CompressRows(TableConts, , , , , "", 4) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add photo data to Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Getting photo information..." ' table of contents, old: 0-chapter, 1-group, 2-section, 3-/ULs, 4-recipe name; 5-recipe title ' add columns for: 6-piclevel, 7-picname, 8-picstr, 9-piccredit, 10-picalt, 11-width large pic, 12-height large pic TableConts = AddColumns(TableConts, 7) For i = 0 To UBound(TableConts) ' full recipe name f = TableConts(i, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i, 4) ' check if page specific picture exists temp = Array(".jpg", ".png", ".gif") For j = 0 To UBound(temp) If FileExists(PicPath & f & temp(j)) Then TableConts = AddPicCredits(TableConts, PhotoCredits, i, 1, f & temp(j)) GoTo Found End If Next j ' look for ISBN in recipe and see if we have picture for it. we only take first if multiple f = Recipes(Iota2(RecNames, f)) j = InStr(f, "https://www.amazon.com/dp/") If j <> 0 Then ' extract ISBN/ASIN f = Left(DropStr(f, j + 25), 10) TableConts = AddPicCredits(TableConts, PhotoCredits, i, 2, f & ".jpg") GoTo Found Else NoISBNs = AppendVectors(NoISBNs, res) End If ' see if section has a picture we can use for the recipe ' --> need to implement for only first in section f = TableConts(i, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i, 2) If FileExists(PicPath & f & ".jpg") Then TableConts = AddPicCredits(TableConts, PhotoCredits, i, 3, f & ".jpg") GoTo Found End If ' look for chapter picture f = TableConts(i, 0) If FileExists(PicPath & f & ".jpg") Then TableConts = AddPicCredits(TableConts, PhotoCredits, i, 4, f & ".jpg") End If Found: Next i ' save NoISBNs = RemDupSameOrder(GradeUp(NoISBNs, , True)) H = "" For i = 0 To UBound(NoISBNs) H = H & "https://www.amazon.com/dp/" & NoISBNs(i) & vbCrLf Next i SaveIfChanged PFDataPath & "Book-ISBNs-without-images.txt", H ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ create chapter pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Building Chapter pages..." For i = 0 To UBound(Chapters) LastSec = "" TOCtemp = CompressRows(TableConts, Chapters(i, 0)) ThumbTemp = CompressRows(ThumbData, Chapters(i, 0)) RPP(i) = UBound(TOCtemp) + 1 H = "<!DOCTYPE html>" & vbCrLf H = H & "<html lang=""en""><head><link rel=""shortcut icon"" href=""cardfile.ico"">" & vbCrLf H = H & "<meta charset=""UTF-8"">" & vbCrLf H = H & "<title>" & Chapters(i, 1) & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "
Home Page
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' navigation block If i = 0 Then PrevFN = Chapters(UBound(Chapters), 0) PrevFT = Chapters(UBound(Chapters), 2) Else PrevFN = Chapters(i - 1, 0) PrevFT = Chapters(i - 1, 2) End If If i = UBound(Chapters) Then NextFN = Chapters(0, 0) NextFT = Chapters(0, 2) Else NextFN = Chapters(i + 1, 0) NextFT = Chapters(i + 1, 2) End If H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
← " & PrevFT & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & NextFT & " →
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & Chapters(i, 1) & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' subtitle t = ReturnMatrixCell(SubHeads, Chapters(i, 0), 0, 1) If t <> "" Then H = H & "
" & t & "
" & vbCrLf End If ' we have a flexbox for page contents heading on left and search box on right H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
Page Contents:
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' search button H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & ReturnSearchString("paleofood.com/recipes") ' close flexbox H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' table of contents from before H = H & HTOC(i) & vbCrLf & "

" & vbCrLf ' do we have below links? t = ReturnMatrixCell(Belows, Chapters(i, 0), 0, 1) If t <> "" Then H = H & t & "

" & vbCrLf End If H = H & "

" & vbCrLf ' Amazon and other ad links H = H & ReturnAmznAdCode(AmzAds, Chapters(i, 0), AmznTag, AdUsage) ' ~~~ recipes For j = 0 To UBound(TOCtemp) ' do we have a section start? If LastSec <> TOCtemp(j, 2) And TOCtemp(j, 2) <> "" Then NewFlag = True LastSec = TOCtemp(j, 2) H = H & "
" H = H & ReturnMatrixCell(Sections, TOCtemp(j, 0) & "-" & TOCtemp(j, 2), 0, 1) ' we add another link if chapter and section have external thumbnail links If Not IsEmpty(ThumbTemp) Then temp = CompressRows(ThumbTemp, TOCtemp(j, 2), 1) If Not IsEmpty(temp) Then H = H & " [Click for " & (1 + UBound(temp)) & " Recipe Links to Other Paleo Sites]" End If End If H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf Else ' this is just above recipe H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf End If ' left side text H = H & "
" & vbCrLf ' see if we can use a section picture. only first in section get section pictures ' --> this logic could be when getting pic data If TOCtemp(j, 5) = 3 Then If NewFlag Then NewFlag = False Else TOCtemp(j, 5) = 0 End If End If H = H & "

" & TOCtemp(j, 5) & "

" & vbCrLf f = TOCtemp(j, 0) & "-" & TOCtemp(j, 4) H = H & Recipes(Iota2(RecNames, f)) ' add our link line to the bottom If 0 < InStr("123", TOCtemp(j, 6)) Then t = "or Pin " Else t = "" End If H = H & "
To Print " & t & "the Recipe, or to Post and/or Read Comments" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf ' if we have a picture ' columns: 6-piclevel, 7-picname, 8-picstr, 9-piccredit, 10-picalt, 11-width large pic, 12-height large pic If TOCtemp(j, 6) = 1 Or TOCtemp(j, 6) = 2 Or TOCtemp(j, 6) = 3 Then H = H & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf ' create picture string (but do not close it) t = " "" Then H = H & "" H = H & t & " title=""Click for larger picture (" & TOCtemp(j, 11) & " × " & TOCtemp(j, 12) & ")"">" Else H = H & t & ">" End If H = H & vbCrLf If TOCtemp(j, 9) <> "" Then H = H & "
" & TOCtemp(j, 9) & "" & vbCrLf End If H = H & "
" & vbCrLf ElseIf j <> 0 Then H = H & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf End If H = H & vbCrLf Next j H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf SaveIfChanged PaleoFoodPath & "\" & Chapters(i, 0) & ".htm", H Next i ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ create thumbnail pages for each chapter and the all page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Building thumbnail pages..." temp = RemDupSameOrder(ReturnColumn(ThumbData, 0)) ReDim AllThumbCode(UBound(temp)) ' loop for chapters that have thumbnail recipes For i = 0 To UBound(temp) ' -> this should have sideways navigation, but there is only one chapter ' row in Chapters array j = Iota2(ReturnColumn(Chapters, 0), temp(i)) ShortName = Chapters(j, 4) t = ShortName & " Recipes at Other Paleo Sites" ThumbTemp = CompressRows(ThumbData, temp(i)) H = "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & t & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf ' -> remove style code when we have sideways navigation H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "
Home Page → " H = H & "" & ShortName & " Chapter
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & t & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' table of contents H = H & "
Page Contents:
" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' we save the heading code, as the next code is dual purpose D = H H = "" ' loop for sections For j = 0 To UBound(SecCodes) H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & ReturnMatrixCell(Sections, temp(i) & "-" & SecCodes(j), 0, 1) & "   [Switch to Recipe Collection]
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' loop for recipes in this section SecTemp = CompressRows(ThumbTemp, SecCodes(j), 1) For k = 0 To UBound(SecTemp) H = H & "
" & SecTemp(k, 5) & ":" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & SecTemp(k, 4) & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf Next k Next j ' ~~ for all page we add the chapter and save for later t = "
" & ShortName & "
" & vbCrLf t = t & H ' fix chapter links t = Replace(t, "href=""" & temp(i), "href=""../" & temp(i)) t = Replace(t, "src=""thumb", "src=""../thumb") AllThumbCode(i) = t ' ~~ finish off chapter H = D & H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf SaveIfChanged PaleoFoodPath & "\" & temp(i) & "-2.htm", H & "" & vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf Next i ' ~~~ AllThumbnails page InsertIntoHtm PFDataPath & "\AllThumbnails.htm", Ravel(AllThumbCode) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ all pictures on one page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CreateAllPicturesCode TableConts, PhotoCredits, Sections, RecNames ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ create individual recipe htm pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Building Recipe htm pages..." ' ~~ build pages For i = 0 To UBound(TableConts) ' table of contents, old: 0-chapter, 1-group, 2-section, 3-/ULs, 4-recipe name; 5-recipe title ' add columns for: 6-piclevel, 7-picname, 8-picstr, 9-piccredit, 10-picalt, 11-width large pic, 12-height large pic ' add word 'recipe' at end of title tag with logic t = TableConts(i, 5) ' look for non-recipe entries NotRecFlag = TableConts(i, 0) = "menus" Or TableConts(i, 0) = "convert" NotRecFlag = NotRecFlag Or 0 <> InStr(t, "?") Or 0 <> InStr(t, "Suggest") Or 0 <> InStr(t, "Comment") Or 0 <> InStr(t, "Using") Or 0 <> InStr(t, "Intro") Or 0 <> InStr(t, "Discuss") NotRecFlag = NotRecFlag Or Right(t, 4) = "etc." NotRecFlag = NotRecFlag Or Left(t, 7) = "Subject" If NotRecFlag Then NotRecCount = NotRecCount + 1 End If If 0 = InStr(UCase(t), "RECIPE") And Not NotRecFlag Then t = t & " Recipe" End If RecName = TableConts(i, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i, 4) H = "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & t & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "
Home PageRecipes
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' navigation block If i = 0 Then PrevFN = TableConts(UBound(TableConts), 0) & "-" & TableConts(UBound(TableConts), 4) PrevFT = TableConts(UBound(TableConts), 5) Else PrevFN = TableConts(i - 1, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i - 1, 4) PrevFT = TableConts(i - 1, 5) End If If i = UBound(TableConts) Then NextFN = TableConts(0, 0) & "-" & TableConts(0, 4) NextFT = TableConts(0, 5) Else NextFN = TableConts(i + 1, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i + 1, 4) NextFT = TableConts(i + 1, 5) End If H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
← " & PrevFT & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & NextFT & " →
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & TableConts(i, 5) & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' identification by chapter-section level in upper left H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
Chapter: " & ReturnMatrixCell(Chapters, TableConts(i, 0), 0, 1) & "" & vbCrLf If TableConts(i, 1) <> "" Then t = ReturnMatrixCell(GroupTitles, TableConts(i, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i, 1), 0, 1) If t <> "" Then H = H & "
Group: " & t & "" & vbCrLf End If End If H = H & "
Section: " & ReturnMatrixCell(Sections, TableConts(i, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i, 2), 0, 1) & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' in upper right, link and search input form H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & ReturnSearchString("paleofood.com/recipes", "../") H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' the body of the page H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' the recipe text - the preformatted block H = H & "

" & TableConts(i, 5) & "

" & vbCrLf D = Recipes(Iota2(RecNames, TableConts(i, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i, 4))) ' any links to other recipes on another page need to be changed ' -> you cannot cross-link to a section strts = AllInStr(D, "#") If Not IsEmpty(strts) Then For j = UBound(strts) To 0 Step -1 ' exclude ones that are calling a table of contents name tag (toc-) If (Not Left(DropStr(D, strts(j)), 4) = "toc-") And (Mid(D, strts(j) - 1, 1) <> """") And 0 < InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", Mid(D, strts(j) + 1, 1)) Then ' e.g. "chapter.htm#recipe" goes to "chapter-recipe.htm" k = InStr(DropStr(D, strts(j)), """") - 1 Link1 = Left(D, strts(j) - InStr(StrReverse(Left(D, strts(j))), ".")) D = Link1 & "-" & Left(DropStr(D, strts(j)), k) & ".htm" & DropStr(D, k + strts(j)) ' -> this is where APL was saving internal links for later testing. but won't Total Validator get them? ' links that were on same page need to go to appropriate individual recipe page ElseIf Mid(D, strts(j) - 1, 1) = """" Then k = InStr(DropStr(D, strts(j)), """") - 1 D = Left(D, strts(j) - 1) & TableConts(i, 0) & "-" & (Left(DropStr(D, strts(j)), k)) & ".htm" & DropStr(D, strts(j) + k) End If Next j End If ' links to images need to up a directory D = Replace(D, "src=""images", "src=""../images") ' for links to other chapters lacking the #, we loop for chapter names ' ~~ loop for chapters For j = 0 To UBound(Chapters) ' then search for each chapter name in recipe text strts = AllInStr(D, """" & Chapters(j, 0) & ".htm""") If Not IsEmpty(strts) Then For k = UBound(strts) To 0 Step -1 f = DropStr(D, strts(k)) t = Left(f, InStr(f, """") - 5) D = Left(D, strts(k)) & "../recipes.htm#" & t & DropStr(D, strts(k) + 4 + Len(t)) Next k End If ' and any links into the table of contents strts = AllInStr(D, """" & Chapters(j, 0) & ".htm#toc-") If Not IsEmpty(strts) Then For k = UBound(strts) To 0 Step -1 f = DropStr(D, strts(k)) D = Left(D, strts(k)) & ".#" & DropStr(f, InStr(f, "#")) Next k End If Next j ' we have some custom link changes k = InStr(D, """applesauce.htm""") If k > 0 Then D = Left(D, k) & "../" & DropStr(D, k) End If H = H & D & "
" & vbCrLf ' ~~ place pictures to the right if they exist ' columns: 6-piclevel, 7-picname, 8-picstr, 9-piccredit, 10-picalt, 11-width large pic, 12-height large pic If TableConts(i, 6) <> "" Then H = H & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf ' image string (not closed) t = "" & t & ">" & vbCrLf ' is there a credit? If TableConts(i, 9) <> "" Then H = H & "
" & TableConts(i, 9) & "
" & vbCrLf End If H = H & "
" & vbCrLf End If ' user comments H = H & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & ReturnDisqus(RecName) & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf SaveIfChanged RecPath & RecName & ".htm", H Next ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ build home page contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Building home page..." ' needs recipes per chap and recipe/entry split f = PaleoFoodPath & "\index.shtml" InsertIntoHtm f, (1 + UBound(RecNames) - NotRecCount) & " Recipes in " & (1 + UBound(Chapters)), "" InsertIntoHtm f, (1 + UBound(RecNames)) & " entries: " & (1 + UBound(RecNames) - NotRecCount) & " recipes and " & NotRecCount, "" InsertIntoHtm f, Year(Now), "" ' build code to insert into page LastGrp = "" H = "

" & vbCrLf ' ~~~ the Table of Contents H = H & "

" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf H = H & ReturnSearchString("paleofood.com/recipes") H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
Chapters in Cookbook Order:
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
    " & vbCrLf ' ~~ loop for chapters For i = 0 To UBound(Chapters) ' is this a new topic? If Chapters(i, 3) <> LastGrp And Chapters(i, 3) <> "" Then H = H & "
  • " & Chapters(i, 3) & ":" & vbCrLf H = H & "
      " & vbCrLf LastGrp = Chapters(i, 3) End If ' if the chapter name starts the same as the topic title, then we remove the word t = Chapters(i, 2) j = InStr(t, ":") If j <> 0 Then j = j - 1 Link1 = Left(t, j) j = InStr(Chapters(i, 3), " ") If j = 0 Then j = Len(Chapters(i, 3)) Else j = j - 1 End If Link2 = Left(Chapters(i, 3), j) If Link1 = Link2 And Link1 <> "" Then t = DropStr(t, Len(Link1) + 2) End If H = H & "
    • " & t & " (" & RPP(i) & ")" & vbCrLf ' does this chapter have more than four groups? temp = RemDupSameOrder(ReturnColumn(CompressRows(TableConts, Chapters(i, 0)), 1)) If UBound(temp) > 4 Then H = H & vbCrLf & "
        " & vbCrLf For j = 0 To UBound(temp) t = ReturnMatrixCell(GroupTitles, Chapters(i, 0) & "-" & temp(j), 0, 1) H = H & "
      • " & t & "" & vbCrLf Next j H = H & "
      " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf End If ' when in a topic we have to close out the chapters in its list If i < UBound(Chapters) Then If Chapters(i, 3) <> Chapters(i + 1, 3) And Chapters(i, 3) <> "" Then H = H & "
    " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf End If ElseIf Chapters(i, 3) <> "" Then H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf End If Next i H = H & "" & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' ~~~ the links and ads at the right ' N.B. tweak the width so all just fits H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & vbCrLf & "

" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' links above the ads H = H & "
All Recipes Table of Contents on one page" & vbCrLf H = H & "
Recipes Listed in 3 Sorts" & vbCrLf H = H & "
Paleo Kitchen Equipment Recommendations
" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' the Ads H = H & ReturnAmznAdCode(AmzAds, "index", AmznTag, AdUsage, "ad") H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf InsertIntoHtm f, H ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ all recipes on one page: 3 sorts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DoEvents Application.StatusBar = "Building all recipes listed on one page..." For i = 0 To UBound(TableConts) ' we need chapter names, so we put navigation names in the group column TableConts(i, 1) = ReturnMatrixCell(Chapters, TableConts(i, 0), 0, 2) ' we need dates in TableConts to sort on them. we stick in column 6 (no longer needed) TableConts(i, 6) = ReturnMatrixCell(DateAdded, TableConts(i, 0) & "-" & TableConts(i, 4), 0, 1) Next i ' loop for sorts For k = 1 To 3 H = "" If k = 1 Then f = "recipe" TableConts = SortMatrix(TableConts, 4) ElseIf k = 2 Then f = "chapter" TableConts = SortMatrix(TableConts, 1) Else f = "date" TableConts = SortMatrix(TableConts, 6, , True) End If ' loop by recipes For i = 0 To UBound(TableConts) ' chapter title Link1 = "" & TableConts(i, 1) & "" ' link to recipe Link2 = "" & TableConts(i, 5) & "" & vbCrLf ' build table rows H = H & "" & vbCrLf If k = 1 Then H = H & Link2 H = H & Link1 Else H = H & Link1 H = H & Link2 End If H = H & vbCrLf & "" & ConvertDate(TableConts(i, 6)) & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "" Next i ' save InsertIntoHtm PaleoFoodPath & "\" & f & "index.htm", H Next k ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ all Amazon ads on one page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Application.StatusBar = "Building Amazon ads on one page..." AmazonAds Chapters, AmzAds, AdUsage AddNavCodeFromOtherSheet PaleoFoodPath & "\topnav.htm" AddNavCodeFromOtherSheet PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building" If RunSiteMap Then BuildPaleoSitemap End If Beep EndCode: Application.StatusBar = False End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub AmazonAds(ByRef Chapters As Variant, ByRef AmzAds As Variant, ByRef AdUsage As Variant) ' puts all Amazon ads on one page. showing usage analysis ' called by Process macro and a Dashboard button, for quick viewing of changes Dim AdUsageBoolean() As Boolean Dim D As String, f As String, H As String Dim Ctr As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer f = PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\" ' usage file ReDim AdUsageBoolean(UBound(AmzAds)) ' format page For i = 0 To UBound(AdUsage) H = H & "
" If AdUsage(i, 0) = "index" Then H = H & "Home Page" Else H = H & ReturnMatrixCell(Chapters, AdUsage(i, 0), 0, 2) End If H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' loop for ads in this chapter For j = 1 To UBound(AdUsage, 2) If AdUsage(i, j) = "" Then GoTo NextChapter Ctr = Ctr + 1 H = H & "
" & vbCrLf k = Iota2(ReturnColumn(AmzAds, 0), AdUsage(i, j)) If AmzAds(k, 1) = "" Then MsgBox "No ad found for: " & AdUsage(i, j) & " in chapter: " & AdUsage(i, 0), vbCritical, "Page Creation Aborted" Exit Sub End If AdUsageBoolean(k) = True H = H & AmzAds(k, 1) & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf Next j NextChapter: Next i ' look for ads that were not used D = "" For i = 0 To UBound(AdUsageBoolean) If Not AdUsageBoolean(i) Then D = D & AmzAds(i, 0) & ", " End If Next i If D <> "" Then D = DropStr(D, -2) & "." D = "
The following ads were found in AmazonAds.txt, but were not in the AdUsage.txt file: " & D & " They could be duplicates." End If ' add heading and ending and save D = Ctr & " total ads (" & (UBound(AmzAds) + 1) & " unique ads used, on " & (UBound(AdUsage) + 1) & " PaleoFood pages.)" & vbCrLf & D & vbCrLf InsertIntoHtm PaleoFoodPath & "\AllAmazon.htm", D & H & "

" & vbCrLf & "

" & vbCrLf End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub UpdateOnlyAds() ' button on Dashboard Dim f As String f = PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\" AmazonAds ReadInDelimData(f & "Chapters.txt", "|"), ExtractData(f & "AmazonAds.txt", "*", 1), ReadInDelimData(f & "AdUsage.txt", ",") End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub CreateAllPicturesCode(ByRef TableConts As Variant, ByRef PhotoCredits As Variant, ByRef Sections As Variant, ByRef RecNames As Variant) ' subfunction to ProcessPaleoFood ' inserts into AllPictures.htm Dim Ctr As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, ISBNs As Integer Dim H As String, p As String, PicName As String, PicPath As String, PicStr As String, t As String Dim ChapList, PicMat, PicNames, PicTypes, SecList, temp As Variant Application.StatusBar = "Building AllPictures Page..." PicTypes = Array("Not Used", "Recipe", "Section", "Chapter", "Home Page") ' pictures that are not books and not full size (and get count of number of non-f excluded) PicPath = PaleoFoodPath & "\pictures" PicNames = SelectJpgs(PicPath, "-") PicPath = PicPath & "\" ' remove the book/Amazon ones For i = 0 To UBound(PicNames) t = Left(PicNames(i), 1) If t = "B" Or t = "0" Or t = "1" Or t = "8" Then PicNames(i) = Empty End If Next i ISBNs = UBound(PicNames) PicNames = RemoveEmptiesInVector(PicNames) ISBNs = ISBNs - UBound(PicNames) ' we need list of chapters and sections, to see if picture is in them ChapList = RemDupSameOrder(ReturnColumn(TableConts, 0)) SecList = ReturnColumn(Sections, 0) ' TableConts: 0-chapter, 1-group, 2-section, 3-recipe name, 4-recipe title, 5-piclevel ' 6-picname, 7-picstr, 8-piccredit, 8-picalt, 10-width large pic, 11-height large pic ' we put all info in one big matrix: ' PicMat columns: 0-pic name, 1-pic size, 2-pic credits, 3-pic level, 4-pic type, 5-page section, 6-htm code ReDim PicMat(UBound(PicNames), 6) For i = 0 To UBound(PicNames) PicName = RemoveExtension(PicNames(i)) PicMat(i, 0) = PicNames(i) ' get pic sizes PicMat(i, 1) = ReturnFileSizes(PicPath & PicNames(i)) ' PicCredit (some pictures won't have a credit) PicMat(i, 2) = ReturnMatrixCell(PhotoCredits, PicName, 0, 1) ' PicLevel: 0-Not Used, 1-Recipe, 2-Section, 3-Chapter, 4-Home Page If IsMember(RecNames, PicName) Then PicMat(i, 3) = 1 ElseIf IsMember(SecList, PicName) Then PicMat(i, 3) = 2 ElseIf IsMember(ChapList, PicName) Then PicMat(i, 3) = 3 ElseIf PicName = "homepic" Then PicMat(i, 3) = 4 Else PicMat(i, 3) = 0 End If ' PicType - give PicLevel a label PicMat(i, 4) = PicTypes(PicMat(i, 3)) ' page section (we list in three categories) If 0 < InStr(PicMat(i, 2), "/ 123RF") Then PicMat(i, 5) = 2 ElseIf 0 < InStr(PicMat(i, 2), "FreeDigitalPhotos.") Then PicMat(i, 5) = 3 Else PicMat(i, 5) = 1 End If Next i ' sort by byte size and credit (to be able to remove duplicates) PicMat = SortMatrix(SortMatrix(PicMat, 2), 1) ' ~~~~ loop for pictures and build code for that picture Ctr = 0 For i = 0 To UBound(PicMat) ' skip loop, if we just listed the dups in the prior picture If Ctr > 0 Then Ctr = Ctr - 1 GoTo NextLoop End If ' ~~ image container H = "
" & vbCrLf ' see if this picture has duplicates (test nexts for same size and credit) ' columns: 0-pic name, 1-pic size, 2-pic credits, 3-pic level, 4-pic type, 5-page section, 6-htm code If i <> UBound(PicMat) Then If PicMat(i, 1) = PicMat(i + 1, 1) And PicMat(i, 2) = PicMat(i + 1, 2) Then AnotherDup: Ctr = Ctr + 1 If i + Ctr + 1 <= UBound(PicMat) Then If PicMat(i, 1) = PicMat(i + 1 + Ctr, 1) And PicMat(i, 2) = PicMat(i + 1 + Ctr, 2) Then GoTo AnotherDup End If End If End If End If PicName = RemoveExtension(PicMat(i, 0)) ' picture string (not closed) PicStr = "" & PicStr & ">" & vbCrLf ' pic credit If PicMat(i, 2) <> "" Then H = H & "
" & PicMat(i, 2) & "
" & vbCrLf End If ' ~~ text container H = H & "
" & vbCrLf ' if it is a recipe, we give the name a link If Left(PicMat(i, 4), 1) = "R" Then PicName = "" & PicName & "" End If ' we add the type to the name string PicName = PicName & "    " & PicMat(i, 4) & vbCrLf ' see if any duplicates (we will skip these rows on next loop(s), so print now) If Ctr > 0 Then For j = 1 To Ctr p = RemoveExtension(PicMat(i + j, 0)) If Left(PicMat(i + j, 4), 1) = "R" Then p = "" & p & "" End If PicName = PicName & "
" & p & "    " & PicMat(i + j, 4) & vbCrLf Next j End If H = H & PicName & "
" & vbCrLf PicMat(i, 6) = H & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf NextLoop: Next i ' save count for heading (before removing empties) Ctr = UBound(PicMat) + 1 ' PicMat columns: 0-pic name, 1-pic size, 2-pic credits, 3-pic level, 4-pic type, 5-page section, 6-htm code ' remove the empties PicMat = RemoveEmptyRowsInMatrix(PicMat, 6) ' sort by group then picture credit. now puts no credits at top, was at bottom ' -> could add arg to SortMatrix and GradeUp to put blanks at bottom PicMat = SortMatrix(SortMatrix(PicMat, 2), 5) ' start HTML code H = ISBNs & " ISBN/ASIN pictures excluded before processing." & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & Ctr & " pictures processed. " & UBound(PicMat) + 1 & " pictures are unique. " H = H & Ctr - UBound(PicMat) & " pictures are not used. Most named with the prefix spare-." ' get list of pictures not used and not prefixed with space- temp = "" For i = 0 To UBound(PicMat) If PicMat(i, 3) = 0 And Left(PicMat(i, 0), 6) <> "spare-" Then temp = temp & PicMat(i, 0) & ", " End If Next i If Len(temp) > 0 Then temp = DropStr(temp, -2) & "." End If H = H & "
Not labeled spares and not used in site processing: " & temp & vbCrLf H = H & "

Jump to:" & vbCrLf & "

    " & vbCrLf j = AndDotEqual(PicMat, 5, 2) H = H & "
  • 123RF (" & j H = H & " pictures, with " & AndDotEqual(PicMat, 5, 2, 3, 0) & " not used)" & vbCrLf j = AndDotEqual(PicMat, 5, 3) H = H & "
  • FreeDigitalPhotos.net (" & j H = H & " pictures, with " & AndDotEqual(PicMat, 5, 3, 3, 0) & " not used)" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & "

" & vbCrLf & "

" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' ~~~ loop for pictures (we could use Ravel, if we didn't have sections) For i = 0 To UBound(PicMat) H = H & PicMat(i, 6) ' is this a new section? gets a heading If i <> UBound(PicMat) Then If PicMat(i, 5) <> PicMat(i + 1, 5) Then H = H & "
123RF Stock Photos" Else H = H & "free"">FreeDigitalPhotos.net" End If H = H & "
" & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf End If End If Next i InsertIntoHtm PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\AllPictures.htm", H End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Function ReturnDisqus(RecName As String) As String Dim H As String H = "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Function ReturnAmznAdCode(AmzAds As Variant, ByVal ChapName As String, AmznTag As String, AdUsage As Variant, Optional Suffix As String) As String Dim j As Integer Dim H As String, t As String Dim temp As Variant ' is this chapter in the usage file? temp = CompressRows(AdUsage, ChapName) If IsEmpty(temp) Then Exit Function ' ~~ create string of all ads in this chapter For j = 1 To UBound(temp, 2) If temp(0, j) = "" Then GoTo FoundLast H = H & "
" & vbCrLf t = ReturnMatrixCell(AmzAds, temp(0, j), 0, 1) ' are we adding associate tags? link in data must end with either "&" or "/" If AmznTag <> "" And 0 < InStr(t, "amazon") Then t = Replace(t, "/"">" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf Next j FoundLast: ' after ads code H = H & "
Amazon Associate" & vbCrLf H = H & "" & vbCrLf H = H & "
" & vbCrLf H = H & "

" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ReturnAmznAdCode = H End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub MoveRecipe() ' is button on Dashboard ' does not move within table of contents. that is done by hand in only the Table of Contents file ' -> untested Dim Pflg As Boolean Dim j As Integer Dim D As String, Drec As String, f As String, NewChap As String, NewInput As String, NewRecipe As String Dim OldChap As String, OldInput As String, OldRecipe As String Dim res As Variant OldInput = Range("OldRecipeName").Value NewInput = Range("NewRecipeName").Value If OldInput = "" Then Range("OldRecipeName").Select MsgBox "Must enter old recipe name.", vbCritical, "Aborted" Exit Sub ElseIf NewInput = "" Then Range("NewRecipeName").Select MsgBox "Must enter new recipe name.", vbCritical, "Aborted" Exit Sub End If ' split input j = InStr(OldInput, "-") OldChap = Left(OldInput, j - 1) OldRecipe = Right(OldInput, Len(OldRecipe) - j) j = InStr(NewInput, "-") NewChap = Left(NewInput, j - 1) NewRecipe = Right(NewInput, Len(NewRecipe) - j) ' "Warning: You moved within the same chapter" ' check that old input exists Drec = ReadInFile(PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\RecipeData.txt") If InStr(Drec, OldInput) = 0 Then Range("OldRecipeName").Select MsgBox "Old name does not exist.", vbCritical, "Aborted" Exit Sub End If ' check new chapter exists res = ReturnColumn(ReadInDelimData(PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\Chapters.txt", "|"), 0) If Not IsMember(res, NewChap) Then Range("NewRecipeName").Select MsgBox "New chapter does not exist.", vbCritical, "Aborted" Exit Sub End If ' change in RecipeData.txt f = PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\RecipeData.txt" SaveFile f, Replace(Drec, OldInput, NewInput) ' change in DateAdded.txt f = PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\DateAdded.txt" SaveFile f, Replace(ReadInFile(f), OldInput, NewInput) SortDelimList f, "|", 0 ' check for pictures (--> code can now handle only a single picture for a recipe) f = PaleoFoodPath & "\pictures\" & OldInput & ".jpg" Pflg = FileExists(f) If Pflg Then Name f As PaleoFoodPath & "\pictures\" & NewInput & ".jpg" ' change any photo credit f = PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\PhotoCredits.txt" SaveIfChanged f, Replace(ReadInFile(f), OldInput, NewInput) End If ' add permanent redirect record in .htaccess f = PaleoFoodPath & "\.htaccess" SaveFile f, ReadInFile(f) & "Redirect 301 /recipes/" & OldInput & ".htm /recipes/" & NewInput & ".htm" & vbCrLf ' delete old recipe from my folder Kill PaleoFoodPath & "/recipes/" & NewInput & ".htm" End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub SplitPaleoVBACode() ' is button on dashboard VBAtext2Text PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\VBA-code.txt" End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub SortAdList() ' is button on dashboard SortDataFile PaleoFoodPath & "\site-building\AmazonAds.txt" End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Function ReturnSlashULs(Count As Variant) As String If Count = 0 Or Count = "" Or Len(Count) > 1 Then Exit Function Dim i As Integer Dim H As String For i = 0 To Count - 1 H = H & "" & vbCrLf Next i ReturnSlashULs = H & vbCrLf End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Function ConvertDate(ByVal D As String) As String ' converts date from yyyymmdd to mm/dd/yyyy D = Mid(D, 5, 2) & "/" & Right(D, 2) & "/" & Left(D, 4) If Left(D, 1) = "0" Then D = " " & DropStr(D, 1) End If ConvertDate = D End Function ____________________________________________________________________________________