Roast Leg of Lamb

Roast Leg of Lamb

The best way I have found to cook it is to roast a leg in the oven covered for 2 hrs. at 300F. This does not over cook it and it is delicious. Then I drain off the juice into a jar and refrigerate it. The left over lamb I also put in the fridge and when I want to eat it again I slice some off, put in some of the now jellied juice, and maybe a little piece of the, beautiful white, hard fat that covers the jelly into a frying pan, season it with a little Herbamare and all-purpose herbs and just warm it up, then I pour the delicious juice over my steamed collards or kale and eat a most yummy dish.

The chops are very good too. I lightly cook them in a frying pan, just enough to kill any bacteria on the out side. I like all meat as raw as I can dare to eat it. It just tastes better!

From: Rainah on the PaleoFood list. Posted 21 Feb 1999.
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