

1 7-ounce bag unsweetened shredded coconut (2 2/3 cups)
1 cup sliced raw almonds
1/4 cup raw honey
4 large egg whites

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease 2 large cookie sheets. Into large bowl, measure coconut, almonds, and honey. With spoon, mix until combined. Stir in egg whites until well blended.

2. Drop mixture by heaping tablespoons, about 2 inches apart, on cookie sheets. Place cookie sheets on 2 oven racks. Bake cookies 20 to 25 minutes until golden, rotating cookie sheets between upper and lower racks halfway through baking time. With pancake turner, remove cookies to wire racks to cool completely. Store cookies in tightly covered container. Yields: About 1 1/2 dozen

Adapted from: [now dead]